We can all think of books that have taken our breath away. Maybe it started with the title, maybe it was the atmosphere or the characters, maybe it was the tone or the author taking unusual detours. In any case, it created a shift in our mind, an opening in our heart. And that strong imprint probably continues to live on. By creating a container to travel, whether physically, mentally or emotionally, they have made us feel something.
The shortest answer for me is this: alchemy of words.
I also like to take the long way home to answer it more deeply. Good writing and good storytelling come, first and foremost, from the writer’s heart. It is also rooted in some knowledge of essential steps and specific writing skills. These ingredients are the underlying components acting their own magic on the page – intention, structure, point of view, pacing, conflict, three dimensional characters, backdrop… The list goes on.
But let’s start with love.
Write about something you love. Writing a story is a long term commitment. Find something that truly lights you up, that sends you reeling and keeps you talking for hours! Not just something that could sell. Plus you are the only person who could write such a story in such a particular way that is your writing style. When you write from your heart, you set yourself up for success.
Once you’ve found the premise of your story and taken some notes, ask yourself this question: what is my intention with this story? Why am I writing it? That gives you a point of focus for the days where you might get lost or discouraged. You can also write it down on a piece of paper and pin it near your desk.
The more you know your characters the more they will guide you throughout the story. Who are they? What do they want? What is their journey?
This is the blueprint for your story. There are different schools when it comes to writing an outline. For me, it is having the beginning and the end in mind. Sometimes the major beats in between. This is also where I make sure the structure I chose works and keep an eye on rhythm.
This is your magic tool. Most of us don’t like expected. We want to be taken aback, watch the rug being pulled from under our feet, our breath be taken away. Try the less traveled road or make your characters grow in unpredictable ways. Secrets can come handy too. Creating great conflict and good pacing are also tools to surprise your readers.
The first draft is where you can actually start working. Until you have it, not much can be done as far as good storytelling and elevating your style. So find a way to get it done, using structure and consistency.
Writing can be daunting and lonely at times. Once you’re comfortable with the second or third version of your story, find a writing group and ask for feedback. When done properly, feedback is a powerful tool to enhance good storytelling.
Also, finding a mentor to hold you accountable or hiring a writing coach to set up the right routine for your writing practice are the most valuable tools. This is a way to receive support, ask questions and get new perspectives on challenges you face. It pushes you forward to become a better writer, a writer who reaches the finish line. And holding a finished draft in your hands is one of the most satisfying feelings I know!
Last but not least, take risks and be bold. We don’t want déjà vu. We thrive with original voices and disturbing narratives. Put your whole heart into your story. Explore the places inside of you that feel scary and uncomfortable. When something feels triggering, pause and breathe. You might be onto something really special!
These are the ingredients I personally rely on when I catch a story growing inside my creative mind. They are the blueprint to my blueprint story and I hope they give some inspiration to craft your story.
If you’re looking for writing advice or writing coaching to help you write your next story, you can book a free consultation here. I’d love to read your words!
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