People carry tissues and keys in their purses. I carry songs.
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When words are not enough to convey the deepest feelings twirling inside, I know that notes and chords will do. They offer a space where immensity prevails, and limitations don’t seem to exist. I make music because it is part of my intrinsic nature. With no music I can’t create.
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I look at my piano and I know a world awaits me. Still unknown as I make my way to the stool. I like to pause. I like to listen deeply before touching it.
I look at my piano and I know a world awaits me. Still unknown as I make my way to the stool. I like to pause. I like to listen deeply before touching it.
Then I remember all the lessons I’ve taken at this point, all the songs I’ve listened to, all the musicians I truly adore. My dear composer in New Mexico and the work we’ve done together. The living room of my childhood where we’d play records almost everyday.
I have tons of questions in mind. I usually find answers in the strangest places. Like filmmaking, music is mysterious and unexpected. I’m just glad it found me.
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I’m working on a collection of songs. A tribute to the past. An homage to the future. I decided to let music address the in-between - call it present or not.
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